All citizens have the right to free treatment with doctors and subsidies for medicine
What is health insurance?
All citizens residing in Denmark have the right to free treatment with their own doctor and specialists.
You can also receive subsidies for medicine, dental care, dental care, physiotherapy, podiatry, chiropractic help and psychological help.
What security groups are there?
You can choose between two security groups. You can see on your health card which security group you are in, but the vast majority of citizens are in security group 1.
Security group 1
- Is registered with a general practitioner
- Must have a referral from a general practitioner for treatment by a specialist, physiotherapist, podiatrist and psychologist
If you are in safety group 1, you must have a referral from your general practitioner for treatment by a specialist, physiotherapist, podiatrist and psychologist. However, you should not have a referral to an ear and eye doctor, dental hygienist, dentist and chiropractor.
It is free to get treatment from a general practitioner or specialist. However, you should be aware that the general practitioner specialist must have an agreement with the region, and that some doctors who have an agreement also offer private treatment, which you must pay for yourself.
If you are in security group 1, general practitioners, specialists, dentists, dental hygienists, chiropractors, podiatrists, psychologists and physiotherapists may only take the agreed price for your treatment.
Subsidies for medicine, dental care, dental care, physiotherapy, podiatry, chiropractic help and psychological help are automatically deducted from your bill before you pay.
Security group 2
- Is not registered with a particular doctor
- Should not be referred to specialists, chiropractors, dentists and dental hygienists
- Must pay the difference themselves if the price of treatment by a general practitioner or specialist is higher than the subsidy from the region.
If you are in security group 2, you are free to seek treatment from all general practitioners, specialists, dentists and chiropractors. However, you must have a doctor’s referral to a physiotherapist, podiatrist and psychologist.
Be aware that you as a group 2 insured can receive treatment on the same terms and with the same restrictions as a group 1 insured. This means that you can receive the same number of treatments as if you were in safety group 1. Your general practitioner must assess your need for treatment if your specialist believes that you need more treatments than you would normally receive as a group. 1-secured.
Psychologists must have an agreement with the region in order for you to receive a grant. Specialists, dentists, dental hygienists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and chiropractors do not need to have an agreement with the region for you to receive a subsidy.
General practitioners, specialists, dentists, dental hygienists and physiotherapists determine the price of treatment for patients in insurance group 2. If you are in insurance group 2, you must pay the difference yourself if the price of treatment exceeds the subsidy from the region.
If you are in security group 2, you will receive the same subsidy as a patient in security group 1 receives for a similar treatment. In some places, the subsidy is deducted from the bill and you have to pay the rest of the doctor’s fee yourself. Elsewhere, you must first pay the entire bill, and you can then get the subsidy refunded by contacting your municipality.
Safety groups for children and young people
- Children under the age of 15 basically follow their parents’ (guardian or guardian) choice of doctor and security group.
- If the parents have each chosen their own doctor, the parents can decide which doctor the child should follow.
- If the parents have joint custody but each has their own residence, the child follows the same doctor as the parent with whom the child is registered as resident.
Request for another doctor or safety group
- The child can, with the parents ‘consent, choose a different doctor than the parents’.
- The child can also, with the parents’ consent, choose another safety group.
Young people between the ages of 15 and 18 can choose a security group without the consent of the custodian or guardian.
Change health insurance group
If you wish to change security group, the effect will take effect 14 days after the municipality has received your written request. Renewed group change can take place at the earliest 1 year thereafter. You get a new health card when changing groups.
Order a new health card (health insurance certificate)
You must order a new health card digitally.
You can also order a new health card for your child living at home until he or she turns 18.
If you are over 15, you can order a new health card yourself. It requires that you have NemID / MitID.
What does it cost to change doctors?
It is free to change doctor if:
- Your current doctor closes his practice
- Your current doctor’s practice is divided into several
- You change doctor in connection with a move
- You turn 15 and want to change doctors
- You choose the associated doctor of the nursing home or residence (ยง 108 institutions).
Otherwise, it costs $30.14 (2022) to change doctors.
Free change of doctor is only completed when you have received information via eBoks or physical letter from the region or municipality about the change of doctor.